Friday, February 20, 2009

OSS Startegic Thrust - Discussion Group

OSS Startegic Thrust - Discussion Group

Salam sejahtera & good morning,

We would like to share with you on the following development :-

1. Once again, we wish to extend our sincere appreciation to those participated in our Strategic Thrust (ST) workshops previously and we hope you be able to contribute further.

2. We have created a mailing list, st at incorporating ST Lead and Participating Agencies names. Please encourage the others to joint this ST community by subscribing to and wait for email confirmation. Relevant information with regards to ST will be disseminated through this mailing list.

3. OSS ST Discussion Group (OSTDG) now available for all Strategic Thrusts participants, build using our Knowledge Bank

4. The OSTDG is open to all ST agencies and anybody interested to participate.

5. In order to participate in this forum, please register to our Knowledge Bank at first, wait for confirmation, and then go to the OSTDG forum site at to start.

6. OSTDG objective is to enable the ST Lead and Participating agencies to virtually communicate and discuss respective ST action plans and activities. This would create an avenue for us to be better prepared for the next ST Workshop and other events.

7. OSCC is the moderator for the OSTDG and we will keep on contributing materials for discussion.

8. There are 4 ST discussion groups created as follows:

a. ST3 - Train and Develop Human Resources to Support OSS Implementation. Lead Agency is MOE. Participating Agencies are INTAN, IPTA, MLVK, MOHE and MOHR.

b. ST4 - Promote Creativity and Innovativeness via R&D to Harness Competitiveness. Lead Agency is MOHE & MOSTI. Participating Agencies are IPTA, MDeC and MIMOS.

c. ST6 - Provide Incentives to Prosper the Development of OSS Solutions. Lead Agencies is MAMPU. Participating agencies are MOSTI, EPU and JPA.

d. ST8 - Optimize Resources by Encouraging Smart Partnership with Relevant Organization. Lead Agency is MOSTI. Participating agencies are MOE, MOHE, IPTA, MDeC, MAVCAP, MIMOS.

9. Please contact us should you need further assistance or clarification, via email, phone or best via OSTDG

Thank you

Marzuki Mohammad


More about OSS Startegic Thrust

Monday, February 16, 2009

Malaysian Agencies OSS Adoption Status with Charts and Tables

Malaysian Agencies OSS Adoption Status with Charts and Tables

MAMPU currently collects and tracks OSS adoption statistics and trends for all agencies in Malaysia. This data is now made public for the benefit of all agencies and the general public. They are updated every two weeks.


Open Source MAMPU Malaysia


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